My Story
“I love to create experiences for people to connect with their authentic Self. I love to be in and create community. I delight in connecting with people and connecting people with each other for their mutual growth and success. I am passionate about sharing my love of the wilderness and of silence in the Mindfulness Retreats I facilitate. More recently it has been my privilege to co-lead journeys to South America to work with Shamans and indigenous medicine people to learn from them and to share those healing practices with the people who join me. I like thinking outside the box and am excited about helping people and organizations create new programs and services.”
Over the decades I have come to learn and honor the wisdom of both Ancient practices like Shamanism, Mindfulness Practice, and Reiki as well as the cutting edge Western models such as Internal Family Systems, EMDR, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, and Comprehensive Resource Model. In this manner of working, people discover how to become aware of and befriend those parts (aspects of themselves) that prevent them from being their authentic Self. That is the journey that I offer as we embark into the work of psychotherapy.
I have been a psychotherapist in Private Practice since 1980 and was Staff Counselor at the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies for 18 years. In the early 80’s I developed programs for rape survivors (created the first Rape Crisis Center in Westchester, NY), programs for HIV+ and AIDS victims and their families, a program for teenage mothers to combine parenting skills and GED and a program connecting community center programs with local high school students for community service experiences.
In the last 15 years or so I have also worked with people seeking asylum into the United States. In that capacity I have conducted interviews, written psychological affidavits and occasionally testified in court.
Presently a Director at Aldea Counseling Services, I have sat on the Executive Committee of the Trauma Studies Program of the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy and facilitated their Process group and supervised candidates. I was President of the Internal Family Systems Association, and sat on the board of the Association for Spirituality & Psychotherapy and the New York State Coalition Against Sexual Abuse.
Since 1980, I have developed an expertise in the treatment of Trauma and have written a book on the topic:
Originally trained in Psychoanalysis and Gestalt, I am certified in Internal Family Systems and Past Life Regression and am proficient in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, and Comprehensive Resource Model. I am certified in both Reiki and Shamanic practices and ceremonies. In addition I have been a student of Meditation for over 20 years.
Although I recently moved from New York City to Syracuse (upstate NY), I was born in France, grew up in Central America and have lived in many different states and countries. Moving around was difficult at the time, however it allowed me to experience different cultures, ethnic backgrounds and spiritual orientations. This understanding is helpful in my work with my clients as it enables me to understand and put into context each person’s particular background and way of viewing the world.
Prior to becoming a psychotherapist I was an editor of financial research publications and a security analyst for a financial institution, a translator, an office manager for a community action group and program director in a community center where I developed several programs. These varied experiences have given me a wider lens to understand and connect with my clients.
In addition to providing psychotherapy to individuals and couples, I co- leading trips to South America to connect with and learn from Indigenous healers and wise elders, run a variety of workshops, teach clinicians how to use a multi-modal approach in their practices and help individuals and organizations in program visioning and development.
I have taught in several universities and conducted workshops and trainings at conferences, in agencies and in organizations such as the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, and the New York Open Center as well as privately.

Healing from Post Traumatic Stress:A workbook for Recovery
A proven recovery program for survivors of all types of trauma, from 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina to life-changing accidents, losses, and other everyday tragedies. Encompasses a wider audience than other books on this topic, from less severe to more extreme cases of post-traumatic stress syndrome. A psychotherapist with more than 25 years’ experience, Monique Lang has worked with a wide range of trauma survivors
** See below for audio sample
For more informations go to:

Meditations and Ceremonies for Healing:A Handbook for Personal Growth and Wellness
Meditations and Ceremonies for Healing provides its readers with easy-to-follow templates for personal growth. The meditations are based on mindfulness practices combined with general psychotherapy. This combination allows the reader to find insight into the core causes of the beliefs that you have made yourself and how these impact your everyday life. By engaging in these meditations, you will be able to heal some of the negative beliefs that you took on and gain clarity about your path and how to live a more authentic and more fulfilling life. The ceremonies portion of the book provides you with a way to mark and commemorate the events of your life whether they be actual events or changes in personal attitudes, perceptions, and insights. Many are also geared to offering ideas to bring about healing to those parts of yourself that have been hurt, that grieve, and that you wish to acknowledge and celebrate. These ceremonies are simple to execute and easy to adapt to your particular needs and spiritual path.
Paperback BUY NOW – at Amazon – at Better World Books
My Work
“My goal is to help the people I work with become their clear, loving, authentic, creative, fearless Self. To shed the masks acquired for survival from turbulent, arid or hostile environments and to release the projections of who/what others want them to be.”
“Monique provides a rare and valuable mix of the solid and pragmatic together with deep spiritual and esoteric insight. The playful and generous style of her relationship with her supervisees creates a trusting environment for open exploration in supervision, and provides a beautiful model to emulate with clients. “
“I have been a client of Monique Lang’s for about a year. Through my work with Monique I have gained a significant amount of clarity surrounding who I am and what I truly want from life. I don’t believe I could have gotten this far this quickly with another guide. This work we have done has improved my life tremendously. The entire experience has been and continues to be a blessing. Thanks Monique, for everything. “
- Stacie J
“Participating in one of Monique’s workshops was a joy! Monique created an environment that was educational, playful, spirited and engaging. Her intuitive and unique style had me immediately connecting with myself and then with other workshop members. I left knowing that I had grown both personally and professionally. I can’t wait for the next!”