Past Events

Ceremonial Tobacco & Cacao Ceremony

with Monique & Amy

Fri 11 Oct 2024 6:00 PM – 9:30 PM EDT 
Center for Sound and Ceremony at the Delavan Studios, 13204
Monique and Amy have created a unique experience through the plant magic of cacao and tobacco. These two plant medicines together can create an amazing and beautiful journey of grounding and expansion.Ceremonial grade cacao is revered for its sacred and spiritual significance, often chosen for its purity and unadulterated essence. I
n ceremonial settings, participants engage in the ritualistic consumption of this cacao to deepen their connection with the divine, foster introspection, and elevate their spiritual experiences.Accompanying this ceremonial cacao is the sacred presence of tobacco plant medicine, employed to amplify the spiritual journey.
In this ethereal context, tobacco is not merely a substance but a conduit for profound connection and healing. Its use is approached with reverence, serving as a vehicle to ground and protect, allowing individuals to traverse the realms of the ceremony with intention and mindfulness.The synergy between ceremonial grade cacao and tobacco plant medicine is believed to unlock doors to the soul, offering a transformative passage toward self-discovery, healing, and spiritual growth.
This sacred combination is deeply rooted in diverse cultural and spiritual traditions, weaving together the threads of ancient wisdom and contemporary seekers on a shared quest for transcendence and inner enlightenment.Embark on a transformative healing journey with us, harnessing the potent energies of ceremonial-grade cacao and rápe.
Our unique approach combines ancient traditions with modern practices to facilitate deep emotional, spiritual, and physical healing.
Ceremonial cacao opens the heart and enhances introspection, while hape, a sacred Amazonian snuff, clears energy blockages and purifies the mind. Together, they create a powerful synergy that fosters self-discovery, healing, and personal growth. Join us to experience profound healing, connect with your inner wisdom, and cultivate a greater sense of well-being and balance in your life.
There will be a sound element to help integrate the plants*
****  Important ways to prepare for the ceremony
**** please try and eat very “clean” throughout the day
*** try and refrain from eating 2-3 hours prior to ceremony.
This helps to facilitate the cacao quicker and to help stop nausea from the tobacco (we will have some food and snacks after the ceremony)
Bring a bottle or more of water (we will have some water available)
  • Wear comfortable clothing as this is 3+ hours.
  • You will mostly be sitting
  • bring a journal if you feel called to write down your feelings or journey
    Some Scholarships available:
    For information regarding scholarships or registration please contact: or
    We look forward to sharing this time with you.
    Here are a few tips to best prepare:
  • Arrive between5:40pm and no later than5:55pm
  • Head to the “509 Entrance banner”
    Address is 509 W Fayette Street Suite #246-
  • Bring whatever you’d like for maximum comfort lying down for an hour (THICK MAT PROVIDED, blanket, pillow, eye mask).
  • **If this is your first experience at the Center we ask you arrive by 5:40pm and no later than 5:55pm as the door locks. We understand at times there are obstacles however due to the door being locked we are unable to accommodate anyone who is unable to arrive by 5:55pm as there will be no one available to open the door.
  • Cash & Venmo options
    Questions text Amy @
  • Center for Sound and Ceremony at the Delavan Studios, 13204

Earth Based Psychotherapy Training

Kripalu Center forYoga and Health. In Person
with Monique Lang, LCSW & Leslie Baker, LCSW

January 21-26, 2024

For more information contact

For thousands of years, cultures across the world have utilized earth-based practices for healing. These rituals have a deep connection with the earth and are guided by powerful forces. These practices utilize the healing attributes of the four elements: earth, water, air, and fire.

Come explore and practice how to weave these ancient practices with modern psychotherapy techniques, particularly Internal Family Systems. In this immersive on campus program, you will learn and practice how to utilize these practices to heal depression, trauma, anxiety, and everyday disease. Through lectures, discussions, and exercises, you will learn:

  • The basics of Internal Family Systems
  • The properties of earth, water, fire, and air and how they can be used for healing 
  • How to connect with your personal guides, helpers, angels, and/or power animals 
  • How to become aware of Legacy Burdens (also known as trans-generational transmission of trauma) and how those inform your beliefs and decisions 
  • How to recognize whether your beliefs and decisions may be a carryover from past lives 
  • How to release any negativity that you carry.

Whether you are a clinician, coach, or simply someone seeking tools for a happier and freer way of being in the world, take home several practices and tools for embodying a new way of living.

Regardless of your chosen framework of psychotherapy, this training will provide you with a basic competency in several earth-based practices that can be woven into the model(s) you presently use. These can be used for any emotional issue: Depression, trauma, anxiety, anger/resentment, fear, self-worth or to enhance your positive aspects such as resilience, courage, determination, humor, and creativity.

These concrete and embodied rituals can be integrated with the mentalizing focus of modern psychotherapy. The course explores practical methods for bringing these modern psychotherapy and ancient healing practices together.

For example, you will learn how to use the four elements. Note that all elements possess properties that can be used for letting go and bringing in.

Earth: Grounding, releasing old patterns, burying and bringing strength and power back into your body/mind. For example, Mary, had a miscarriage 35 years ago and feeling that there had never been closure. No funeral. No wake. No remembrance. As if it had never happened. We conceived of a burial. She bought a few items that, to her, represented the loss of this child. Then we went to the woods, dug a hole, lit a candle and she buried those items. After that she planted a couple of seeds so that flowers would grow in that spot.

Water: The element of water is used for cleansing, letting go, releasing, bringing in flow. For example offering a bath to a client who has been physically abused removes the negative energy from the impact from their body memory, washing away beliefs that no longer serve. Then offering another bath to bring back the purity and beauty of their being.

Fire: Fire destroys and activates. Using this element is excellent for burning away negative beliefs and ideas and also for bringing in passion, courage, energy. For example, burning old letters or pictures from a past relationship. Lighting a fire to feel its power and energy and bringing that energy to help you move forward.

Air: Air is the energy of the mind – of thoughts, of inspiration. We use the energy of air to send thoughts/beliefs out into the ether. For example, taking feathers and imbuing them with what you want to let go of on it, and letting it flow into the air. One of my clients would go out in the wind and ask that any heavy negative energy be cleared from his mind as he exhaled deeply. We also use the energy of air to bring in fresh energy into our bodies by deep breathing or breathing the scent of a flower or tree etc.

Note: This program will be offered online. Sessions of all our online programs will be recorded and shared with registrants after each is completed for 90 days.


  • How to connect with the 4 elements to help clients release old trauma.
  • How to connect with the beliefs and decisions that you have received from your lineage (ancestors) and how to shed those that don’t serve you.
  • How to bridge the narrative aspect of psychotherapy with the embodied experience of the release or the invitation to a new way of viewing yourself.
  • How to recognize and release when a believe is based on a past life event and not necessary/valuable in this life.
  • How to move from thinking to embodying/implementing practices.
  • How to connect with guides, helpers, angels, power animals, etc. as support in the therapeutic proc

Ancient Wisdom in Therapy

Retreat in Bali

Join us on an 8-day adventure to the beautiful Island of the Gods and embark on a personal journey of self discovery with ancient healing modalities, IFS Therapy, Breathwork, Unattached Burdens work and more.

Guided by Monique Lang LCSW, an IFS therapist

For Information and Registration go to

Healing Through Generations

Ancient Wisdom, Ancestral Healing  & IFS therapy

A series of 5 live ‘online workshops with unlimited access to recordings. 

October 19, 23, November 2, 9, 16, 2023


Unique Ceremonies

Guided Meditations

Sharing in small groups 

To register: 

Healing Through Generations [LP]

Tatiana Dávila, Daphne Fatter PhD, Monique Lang LCSW

Forest Bathing

Reconnecting with your inner core

With Anne Dailey LCSW

From time immemorial people have gone to Nature to replenish themselves, to find answers to profound questions, to connect with the wisdom of the trees, the waters, and the earth.

Lately, scientists in Japan have the discovered the impact of being in nature on the nervous system and on brain function. They have found that being in nature can restore our mood, give us back our energy and vitality, refresh and rejuvenate us. Studies show that forest bathing reduces stress, anxiety, depression, and anger.

Blending Shamanism & Psychotherapy

a powerful model for healing

With Itzhak Beery

Women's Re-Treat

May 27 - 31, 2016 | Aguada, PR

Relax Renew Refresh Reconnect

We have designed a time to drop out of time, to do no-thing. Our intention is to create a space for us to relax, renew, retreat, reconnect & refresh.

There will be time to sleep, shamanic journeys, meditations, strolls on the beach, cooking, talking circles and healing practices.

We are only taking 6 women

We hope you can come create sacred healing time with us

Fee: $850 for single room $700 for double room
Includes everything except airfare – airport: aguadilla/ bnq

For information/registration

Monique: – 917 816 2789_

Click here for photos –

Sedona Week of Deepening & Transformation

Join us in this amazing journey | MAY 21 - 28, 2015


During this sacred time we invite you to connect with your heart and to release any blocks that prevent you from living as the amazing being that you are.

Weaving together Ancient Shamanic practices of journeying, Mindfulness practice, and Talking Circle, we prepare to take this journey into Ancient Sacred Ground.

We invite you to simply BE, to journey inward and connect with Nature and with Spirit. This Quest offers you unfettered time to get in touch with your deepest knowing, to hear your heart’s song and to connect with your passion and your wisdom.

We gather in Sedona early on Saturday morning May 23 to hike into Secret Canyon, a place still Sacred to the original Indians who live there.

We will spend the afternoon settling in, participating in Ceremony.

On Sunday and Monday we prepare for our solo time: we make masks, find our solo spots, set our intentions, connect with our inner desires for this time, play and participate in ceremonies.

Tuesday we each leave to settle into our Solo spot to spend the time in quiet and in contemplation.

Following Solo time, on Thursday, we welcome each other back into community. We relax, feast and decorate our masks.

Friday, we hold a Talking Circle in which each person is witnessed and celebrated as her/his journey is told anchoring and deepening each person’s and the group’s experience. Time permitting we also go explore a sacred peak in the area.

Saturday we bid farewell to our hosting spot and return to Sedona from where you can depart back home.

Monique Lang
917 816 2789

Jacques Burgering

Fee $1500- Includes workshop fee, food and transportation from Sedona to the Canyon.

My Work

“My goal is to help the people I work with become their clear, loving, authentic, creative, fearless Self. To shed the masks acquired for survival from turbulent, arid or hostile environments and to release the projections of who/what others want them to be.”

The New York Open Center
Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health

This program combines shamanism and Internal Family Systems (IFS) psychotherapy to help you recognize your obstacles and foster a new relationship with them. Bringing in new energy and understanding to improve creativity and achieve your soul potential, You will learn:

  • Shamanic techniques to meet your power animal and other spirit guides
  • How to work with the IFS psychotherapy system
  • Ways to connect with your gatekeeper and understand how it came to be. With these tools, you can supersede the beliefs your gatekeeper perpetuated with a new, affirmative narrative.

With these tools, you can supersede the beliefs your gatekeeper perpetuated with a new, affirmative narrative.